I usually read ES Magazine on the toilet

Dear fag hag gave me a copy of ES Magazine today, to accompany me to the loo and i'm sure you will all agree its usually a bit of a 'wipe ones ass' kinda magazine, but there was a slightly interesting story about the blogger versus the fashion editor, the editors all rather annoyed about the instant fame and gratitude those blogging teens get, our Paula at Grazia complaining about how she had to sit in second row behind twink blogger Tavi and was blocked by her rather large bow headgear, Gianluca Longo from ES Magazine stating that those bloggers have no knowledge about the history of fashion and Robert Johnson at GQ stating that the bloggers are easily corrupted by PR's for positive reviews....... and i was bit like does anyone not remember Isabella Blow, she blocked lots of views with her head stuff? The hateful applause of Gareth Pugh because all those bloody fashion directors couldn't get over their eighties clubbing days and the fact that most magazines are so corrupted by their advertisers that we are just reading one big advert? Eh, eh, nuff said? Well i do think that boy who does that Kate Mossy bloggy thing is rather cute, he's above, hot stud right?